Improve your vocabulary and help feed the poor at the same time!

by Lara Whybrow

If you are a native English speaker or an ESL student looking to improve your vocabulary then Freerice is a great site to use. You get given a word and four options and you need to choose the option that best matches the meaning of the given word. And for ESL learners there is an option to hear the word so you can check your pronunciation of these new words too. 

You start off at level one and as you answer the questions correctly, so you move up in increasingly difficult levels. But the best part of all this is that for each correct answer you donate rice to the World Food Programme

Here is what the starting page looks like for level 1:

And then it gets a lot harder at level 40!

If you would like to play Freerice then go to their website ( or join the Quick Easy English Group