Learn how to make balloon animals (this could even be a lucrative part-time job)

by Lara Whybrow

Need some extra cash? Well here's an idea: hire yourself out as an entertainer for kid's parties. You can do this on the weekends, when you are not working and each session should only take an hour, maybe even less. Kids get bored after a while anyway. You could do 5 or 6 sessions a week and make a nice bit of extra cash. Maybe you need cash to get out of debt, maybe you would like funds to do some home improvements or you want to go on holiday - the choices are endless! And making balloon animals is not as hard as you might think. 

While you wait for those party bookings to come in, you could make balloon animals for kids at the malls. Sometimes you need permission from mall management to do this, sometimes not. You could always stand outside the mall if doing it inside is a problem. 

If you are interested in learning how to make balloon animals, check out http://magic.about.com/od/balloon-animals-instructions/tp/Complete-Course-Balloon-Animals-For-Beginners.htm